Stuff We Like

We are finding so much wonderful information and inspiring material while researching ideas for our garden project, we thought it would be a good idea to try and make a collection of the materials we find, and share them everybody else.  Over the coming weeks and months we'll be adding links to this page,  and eventually we hope the sources that are guiding and influencing our project will come together as a some kind of whole.  Just copy the links and paste them in your browser.  Enjoy.

Fernandos (Dudez) Perspective: Working with the Philippine organic Garden (01/02/2014)

With intentions to showcase a range of Philippine edible native plant species we have found this resource to be very useful in providing both information and supply of native seeds.

The world's first free online permaculture design course (PDC). No hidden charges here, just a progressive approach to sharing knowledge.  With a growing online community and a comprehensive series of lectures from a wide range of permaculture experts this website really is a great resource for all budding permaculturalists. Thankyou Regenerative Leadership Institute.

Jaymars Perspective: Working with the Philippine Organic Garden Project (18/09/2013)

Brand new and very progresive information from the Guardian.  From Shanghai to New York, Melbourne to Bangalore and Lima to Nairobi these 10 new blogs will open a global window onto stories about wildlife, climate change, pollution, food, water, deforestation, activism, and more (guardian).  Best of all, the authors of these blogs have independence to publish without editorial interference...honest, insightful and impartial... we hope so.  Keep your eye on the link and give it a bookmark as its constantly changing and seems to be paving the way for contempary environmental blogging.

In their own words  "Transition is a quiet revolution unfolding around the world".  These days however not they are not so quiet.  What started as a local movement, primarily in Ireland and the UK in 2006, has spread to communities across the globe, now encompassing 1,107 initiatives in more than 43 countries.  This resource is full of bright and progressive ideas in the face of increasing environmental and economic pressures, and importantly its 'glocal' - global in scope but  tangable at the local scale.  Take a look for projects in your area and get involved.

La Via Campesina is an international grassroots movement which brings together millions of peasants, small and medium-size farmers, landless people, women farmers, indigenous people, migrants and agricultural workers from around the world.  It is autonomous, pluralist and multicultural.  It is independent from any political, economic or other type of affiliation.  It defends small-scale sustainable agriculture as a way to promote social justice and dignity. It strongly opposes corporate driven agriculture and transnational companies that are destroying people and nature.  In short, these folks know their stuff.  They are making a real difference with regard to progressive agricultural practice in the face of massive global adversity.... thats why we love them.

A diverse and insightful collection of 10 talks from the incredible people at TED.  Hear from gardeners, vegetarians, designers and conservationists on the wonderful world of plants and vegetables.

As you may have gathered, when it comes to our garden we are all about keeping it simple.  The folks at this website share our views...and expand on them somewhat.  There's detailed explanation around the philosophy of 'simple', and a plethora of articles ranging from consumer culture through guerilla gardening to the joys of Thoreau.  Posts are frequent and often provide a rich source of links.

Here are a bunch of people who stand at the intersection of ecology and gastronomy, and we think thats a very interesting place to be.  Slowfood is a global grassroots organisation that opposes the standardization of taste and culture, and the unrestrained power of the food industry multinationals and industrial agriculture.  Their key goal is to encourage a recognition of the strong connections between plate, planet, people and culture.  Take a look at their events and campaigns in your own country and region... and get involved.

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